Our Signature Service is to help programs become nationally accredited! We love it!
National accreditation status for an ECE or Childcare program has its rewards. We know that seeking national accreditation can be challenging for programs! Our Signature program, the #ECEcircletime A.M.P. Network has Five Steps in which we help programs to become Nationally Accredited within 3 to 6 months. The "A.M.P." is an acronym that means Accreditation Manifestation Plan. We assess the programs Policies, Procedures and Processes to give them an actionable and attainable plan. We provide direct services through coaching, mentorship, observations, training and on-site assistance.
National accreditation is a voluntary process. There are several different national accrediting organizations in America and abroad. We make the process easier to accomplish national accreditation regardless of the program type. We service centers, daycares, preschool, family childcare homes, school systems and ministries. Our #ECEcircletime A.M.P. Network program is an intense high-impact and ticket program because it’s “NATIONAL ACCREDITATION” that the Owners and Directors want. Only 10% of this nations early childhood education and childcare programs are Nationally Accredited!
Our goal is to advise, coach, and help you get a good jump start on your way to national accreditation!
Getting a National Accreditation distinguishes you from your competitors. It is your program’s Quality Seal and Mark of Excellence. Programs receive accreditation in 16 months to 3 years on average. However, this can be accelerated with the help of people and organizations that provides the right support and focuses their expertise on it like ECE Circle Time™. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get you ready for National Accreditation!